On behalf of all the Alphas here at Alpha Direct Insurance Company. I would like to welcome you to our newest online feature, appropriately named Thoughts@Alpha. Expression and Education are two very important values that all Alphas have and are required to nurture, so for us this is just a really cool way to both express our thoughts and daily musings as well as play an important role in educating the Botswana public about what we do, about insurance products, and hopefully over time increase the awareness and penetration of insurance products in Botswana.
One telling statistic that guided us in making the decision to start Thoughts@Alpha is that while Botswana enjoys a higher per-capita income than its larger southern neighbour South Africa, the country’s insurance penetration rate (measured as the total insurance premiums generated in the country expressed as a percentage of GDP) are roughly one-fifth of South Africa’s. That’s right, one-fifth! One of the reasons we believe this is the case is because of a lack of awareness/education about insurance products and the myriad benefits they can provide. Insurance really is the lubricant of a thriving economy.
So, what can you expect to read at Thoughts@Alpha? Well here is an easy-to-understand summary of the content we intend to post on here:
- Technical Insurance Content : Our first priority is to bring awareness to insurance products in Botswana. We expect roughly 50% of the content on here to be technical articles and papers (or blog posts as the case may be) on various insurance subjects either requested by our customers, staff@Alpha or the general public. So please feel free to ask questions and we will respond with a blog post!
- Goingson@Alpha Direct : We intend to use our blog (in addition to our ever-vibrant social media presence) to tell you (our customers, and prospective customers) about the latest news here at Alpha Direct. If we are doing a seminar, contest, or road show, we want you to be a part of it! As you well know by now, the Alphas love to have fun.
- Daily Musings : Ok. A disclaimer here. I am not sure if these posts will really be daily (a la Facebook or Instagram) but we will try our best and regularly have the Alphas contribute in terms of their thoughts, their daily experiences working here at Alpha Direct and any other thoughts that come to our mind.
- Important Information and Alerts : While this is not necessarily the ideal platform, we will use Thoughts@Alpha to disseminate important information to our customers and the general public (in addition to a variety of other ways) about impending storms, fires and other public and emergency information.

Please feel free to contribute questions in the comments section of each post, and also feel free to e-mail us (blogquestions@alphadirect.co.bw) with any burning questions you may have about us or our products.
If you would like to buy some insurance (we operate only in Botswana at the moment), feel free to click on one of the following links for a free quote:
Click Here for Car Insurance
Click Here for Home Insurance
Click Here for Business Insurance
Click Here for All other insurance quotes
Thank you for visiting us today and we hope to see you here many times in the near future.
Yours Sincerely,
The Alpha Male @ Alpha Direct Insurance