There is no way to control other drivers sharing the road with you. You can only take steps to protect yourself on the road by being a defensive, focused driver. Unfortunately, accidents occur every day because of simple mistakes. Again, you can’t prevent other people from making these mistakes, but you can prevent them from impacting you.
Focus on the Road
Even if you think you can drive just fine and talk on your mobile phone, you can’t. The moment you look away or become a slight bit distracted, someone else can make a mistake. For example, you may reach down to turn the radio channel on your vehicle. In that moment, a driver may swerve into your lane, striking your car. Focus on what is happening on the road all of the time.
Keep Your Distance
Driving at least two car lengths away from other drivers is often recommended. This distance gives you ample time to brake or swerve to avoid an accident. If a driver is being reckless, keep your distance even further.
Don’t Drive Tired
If you are tired, pull over and get off the highway. The longer you drive in this condition, the more at risk you are. It takes much longer for you to respond to accidents and changes in road conditions if you are tired than if you are under the influence of alcohol.
Avoid Passing Other Drivers
If you need to move around another driver, do so cautiously. If another driver views your speeding up and moving in front of them as aggressive, it puts everyone at risk. It is best to remain in your lane as long as possible to avoid conflicts and road rage.
Always Protect Your Assets
Finally, there is no way to 100 percent of the time protect against other accidents and incidents on the road. That is why you simply need to have car insurance in place. It helps to protect your assets when other drivers cause accidents or when a liability matter arises. Don’t overlook the importance of quality auto insurance.
Are you a safe driver? You may think so, but unless you are a defensive driver, one that takes steps to minimize risks like these against themselves, you may need to put a bit more effort into the process.