All posts by Arun Iyer

What Does Comprehensive Motor Insurance Include?

Learn more about comprehensive motor insurance. Learn how to protect your vehicle from loss and safeguard your investment.  

Comprehensive motor insurance is one of the most important investments you can make in your vehicle. Does it include everything you need? Finding affordable comprehensive car insurance is not hard to do. However, it is important to look through your policy thoroughly to determine which plan is right for you as well as what additional types and levels of coverage may also be valuable.

Sport car
Comprehensive Insurance Cover offers the highest amount of protection

Purchase Top Quality Motor Insurance

Your vehicle is a large investment. Every day, this asset is at risk for something to happen to it. You may think the real risk is on the road, where other drivers are your biggest threat, but that is not always the case. Your vehicle insurance needs to protect against as many as is possible.

Most comprehensive motor insurance policies provide coverage like:

  • Accidental damage
  • Collision or crash (protects against the damage to your vehicle and property, not only to other drivers)
  • Fire (damage to your vehicle)
  • Flooding (damage to your vehicle only)
  • Earthquakes
  • Storms
  • Theft or attempted theft that damages your vehicle
  • Explosion

Automatic coverage for modifications, options and accessories may also be available with your plan.

Third party liability insurance is often a part of comprehensive insurance plans. This type of cover protects you financially if you are found to be at fault for the loss of another person’s physical being or property. It does not protect your property, but rather keeps other drivers safe while you are on the road. The standard limit in Botswana on third party liability is P2,500,000. Additional cover amounts may be available.

What Else Does It Offer?

In addition to providing basic coverage, many comprehensive plans offer additional options that address specific needs. For example, you can add coverage such as a hired car if your vehicle is damaged and needs repair. Other options include excess-fire windscreen, glass cover, and sunroof cover. Some provide towing, tools of the trade, and additional liability coverage above the basic plan limit. Third party liability is ideal. Without this type of cover, if you were in an accident and were found to be at fault for that accident, you would have to pay for the losses of another party including medical bills and property damage.

Most car owners don’t want to think about anything bad happening to their vehicle. But if your car was lost due to damage from a weather event, could you get to and from work? Could you continue to make payments on the car if you owe on it still?

Making sure your car has comprehensive auto insurance coverage delivers peace of mind. You’ll know that if something where to happen, your insurance company will help you to cover the costs and get your vehicle back on the road again.

Do you have the best motor insurance? Request a quote for car insurance today and learn more about just how affordable this type of insurance can be.

How to React in a Car Accident

Motor vehicle accidents can happen to anyone. With quality motor insurance and the right steps, you’ll be able to get the help you need through the accident and through the claim process.  

No matter how careful you are while driving your vehicle, a car accident can occur. Motor insurance is there to help you to overcome these losses. Yet, what you do when a car accident happens, is very important. It’s always important to drive safely and to avoid any risks possible. When an accident does happen, stop and take a deep breath. Then, consider a few key tips to help you through this process.

Man talking on phone after car accident
Call your insurance company after a car accident

Never Say It Was Your Fault

Before you get out of your car, remember to never tell anyone in the car or others involved in the accident that you made a mistake. Often times, you do not have all of the information on hand to make that decision. It is best to allow the police officer who responds to your accident to make the decision about who is at fault. Later, this will help protect you from lawsuits.

What To Do

When an accident occurs, move the vehicles to the side of the road if you are obstructing traffic or if it is dangerous. If this is not possible, that’s okay. Call the police immediately. You also need to assess the situation to determine if anyone is hurt and ensure those people get immediate medical care if they need it. Then, consider the following.

  • After calling the police, ask the other driver for his or her insurance information. Copy all of that person’s information and share your own. This should include their name, address, phone and insurance company information (name, address, phone, policy number, and other information.)
  • File a police report. Even if the damage is minimal, this works as proof of what occurred.
  • Remain calm. Don’t fight or argue with the other driver.
  • Keep your emergency lights on and flashing to alert other drivers.
  • Stay out of the road and traffic. Don’t stand in the street.
  • Take photographs of the accident. This includes photos of your vehicle, the road conditions, the other vehicle, any property damaged, and anyone involved.
  • Gather information about the other car, such as the make and model number.

With this information in hand, and after you are safe, call your insurance company. Your insurance company will provide you with very specific steps to take to file a claim. This is often done only after the accident report is filed and available. Your insurance company will tell you how and where to tow the vehicle, if needed, and how to handle any claims from the other driver against your policy.

Don’t worry. If you have a quality motor insurance plan, most types of accidents will be covered. If you need a new insurance plan, request a quote today and find out how to make sure your car, your assets, and your finances are protected in the event of an accident.

Driver Festive Season Safety Tips: How to Stay Safe on the Road

Learn how to stay safe on the road during the holiday season, including how to protect yourself with car insurance.  

During the festive season, it’s possible you’ll experience a wide range of good things, but you also face more drivers on the road, worse driving conditions, and potentially dangerous situations. Imagine the many drivers darting to and from locations to finish up their holiday shopping. There are more people on the streets and many more distracted drivers. This is why you need to take the steps necessary to minimize risk to you and your family. Being a safe driver is important during this time of the year. These tips can help you.

Beware of Drunk Driving

With the festive holiday season comes more drinking and celebrating. This often leads to more people on the road driving intoxicated. In many areas of Botswana, the increase in the number of people arrested and charged with drunk driving rises during the festive season. If you plan to head out to a party and drink even a small amount, don’t get behind the wheel. And, as a driver, you need to be more aware of those who you share the road with, as they may be more likely to be under the influence.

Take the Time to Drive Safely

Even if you are not in a rush and do not feel your driving is impacted during the festive season, it does impact other drivers. You have no control over those you share the road with and that means you need to improve your driving habits to minimize risks. Keep the following tips in mind:

  • Drive the speed limit. Slowing down can really help you to adjust to other drivers’ actions.
  • Follow road rules. Aside from staying within the speeding limit, it’s also important to drive slower in construction zones and to stop more frequently for pedestrians.
  • Wear your seat belt. Even if you are a very careful driver, your seat belt is a must for avoiding the actions of other drivers.
  • Check your tyres. Ensure the air pressure meets the manufacturer recommendations.
  • Ensure your lights are working properly so other vehicles see you slowing down.
  • Use a lower gear when going up wet, steep inclines.
  • Drive at least 2 or 3 car lengths from the person in front of you.
  • Purchase higher quality tires for wet, colder weather.
  • Apply pressure to brakes slightly when you need to stop in water. Steady pressure reduces the risk of swerving.
  • Have your vehicle completely inspected by a trusted professional before the festive season starts.

Also realize that there are more people likely to be involved in accidents. This increases the number of emergency vehicles on the road. Be sure you can easily pull out of the way of these vehicles.

Beware of Hijackings

Many Batswana choose to spend the festive period south of the border in South Africa. Remember that Botswana registered motor vehicles are a prime hijacking target in South Africa. Not only is being hijacked a big burden financially, but you and your family could be at risk from injury or even death should things go wrong. Here are some tips to keep you safe outside Botswana:

  • Always be aware of your surroundings and watch your rear view mirrors to check if anyone is following you at all times.
  • Stay away from known hijacking zones where many vehicles have been known to be hijacked.
  • If someone deliberately bumps your car, request to meet at the nearest police station rather than stopping on the road. You can signal them to do so using hand signals.
  • When parking your car, look around you to see if any suspicious characters are watching you.
  • Always keep a separate ”stash bag” with some cash, a credit card, and perhaps an additional cell phone that you can use in the unfortunate event that you are hijacked.

Hijacking is real folks, and we see these cases happening all the time in South Africa, and in particular with reference to Botswana registered vehicles. Make sure your comprehensive car insurance policy is up to date.

Protect Yourself Financially

Being a safe driver is important, but you also need to take steps to minimize the financial risks associated with a simple accident. If you are involved in an accident, you should have car insurance in place to help cover the losses. This can give you the confidence you need when heading out onto the road during this busy driving season. If you don’t have adequate car insurance, request a quote for it today.

The holidays are a time for joy and merriment, but they are also a time when people are rushed, busy, and not thinking about what they are doing. As a result, they could put you at risk on the road if you don’t take precautions to stay safe.

What Does the Term Excess Mean in an Insurance Policy?

Learn what excess is on a car insurance policy, the types available, and what it means for lowering your premium.

Whether shopping for car insurance or examining your existing policy, a key term you’ll find in it is excess. An excess is a type of contribution that you, as a driver, are required to pay towards a claim on your policy. Insurance companies may have various types of excesses. What applies in your case depends on the unique situation. When selecting a car insurance plan, it’s important to select an excess properly. It can, in fact, help lower your premium costs when you select wisely.

Insurance Signpost Meaning Claim Excess Contract And Policy
Insurance Signpost Meaning Claim Excess Contract And Policy

What to Look for in Car Insurance Policies

Most car insurance companies allow you to select the level of excess for your needs. This allows you to reduce the premium you pay (the higher you select, the less you’ll pay in excess). For most people, this is the best way to reduce your insurance rate. However, there are a few concerns to keep in mind. First, you should never select an excess that is too high for you to pay immediately. When you need to make a claim on your policy, you will need to pay more first. Many people are at risk of increasing their excess too high to achieve a higher level of savings, and then struggling with the payment at the time of a claim.

An excess helps to shift some of the risk of loss from the insurance company to you. An excess requires you to pay out of pocket before your insurance company does. As a direct result, insurance companies can reduce your rates.

What Types of Excess Are There?

The type of excess you are liable to pay are specifically listed on your policy. Consider these types of excess:

  • Basic Excess: This applies to all claims. No matter the type of claim, you will pay the standard excess.
  • Age Excess: This generally applies in situations where the driver is under 25 at the time of making the claim. It may apply in other situations as well.
  • Age and Unlisted Driver Excess: When the driver involved in the incident is not listed on the policy directly, but is under the age of 25, this excess applies if it is included on the policy.
  • Age and Inexperienced Driver Excess: If the individual is over 25, but he or she does not have at least two years of driving experience, this type of excess applies if it is listed on your policy.
  • Additional Excess: In some cases, the insurance company may require a special or additional excess. This may be due to the vehicle or other circumstances related to previous claims.

In many situations, you do not have to pay the listed excess. This does not apply in situations where you are not liable in the accident. In that case, the driver at fault pays the losses. Carefully consider how much you can pay when selecting an excess limit. When choosing insurance, this directly impacts your costs.

Welcome to Thoughts@Alpha – Our Gateway to Botswana

The Alphas (the team has actually grown considerably since this picture).
The Alphas (the team has actually grown                     considerably since this picture).

On behalf of all the Alphas here at Alpha Direct Insurance Company. I would like to welcome you to our newest online feature, appropriately named Thoughts@Alpha. Expression and Education are two very important values that all Alphas have and are required to nurture, so for us this is just a really cool way to both express our thoughts and daily musings as well as play an important role in educating the Botswana public about what we do, about insurance products, and hopefully over time increase the awareness and penetration of insurance products in Botswana.

One telling statistic that guided us in making the decision to start Thoughts@Alpha is that while Botswana enjoys a higher per-capita income than its larger southern neighbour South Africa, the country’s insurance penetration rate (measured as the total insurance premiums generated in the country expressed as a percentage of GDP) are roughly one-fifth of South Africa’s. That’s right, one-fifth! One of the reasons we believe this is the case is because of a lack of awareness/education about insurance products and the myriad benefits they can provide. Insurance really is the lubricant of a thriving economy.

So, what can you expect to read at Thoughts@Alpha? Well here is an easy-to-understand summary of the content we intend to post on here:

  1. Technical Insurance Content : Our first priority is to bring awareness to insurance products in Botswana. We expect roughly 50% of the content on here to be technical articles and papers (or blog posts as the case may be) on various insurance subjects either requested by our customers, staff@Alpha or the general public. So please feel free to ask questions and we will respond with a blog post!
  2. Goingson@Alpha Direct : We intend to use our blog (in addition to our ever-vibrant social media presence) to tell you (our customers, and prospective customers) about the latest news here at Alpha Direct. If we are doing a seminar, contest, or road show, we want you to be a part of it! As you well know by now, the Alphas love to have fun.
  3. Daily Musings : Ok. A disclaimer here. I am not sure if these posts will really be daily (a la Facebook or Instagram) but we will try our best and regularly have the Alphas contribute in terms of their thoughts, their daily experiences working here at Alpha Direct and any other thoughts that come to our mind.
  4. Important Information and Alerts : While this is not necessarily the ideal platform, we will use Thoughts@Alpha to disseminate important information to our customers and the general public (in addition to a variety of other ways) about impending storms, fires and other public and emergency information.
The Alphas love having fun.
The Alphas love having fun.

Please feel free to contribute questions in the comments section of each post, and also feel free to e-mail us ( with any burning questions you may have about us or our products.

If you would like to buy some insurance (we operate only in Botswana at the moment), feel free to click on one of the following links for a free quote:

Click Here for Car Insurance
Click Here for Home Insurance
Click Here for Business Insurance
Click Here for All other insurance quotes

Thank you for visiting us today and we hope to see you here many times in the near future.

Yours Sincerely,

The Alpha Male @ Alpha Direct Insurance